I told you I was busy making stuff. I made 5 pins in all but I didn't take a photo of the last one yet. Anyway, the ones pictured here are going to be sold on etsy just as soon as my labels arrive in the mail (and I figure out how to get everything onto etsy of course) hopefully it won't take too long. The last pin was actually a custom order for my mom who wanted a pin to wear to her red hat club. I will try to post a picture in the next day or two. Who knows, maybe her red hat friends will want a pin too!
As for these pins, I spent a few hours making each one. I started by selecting the buttons and then just let the piece "speak" to me. The brown and gold one has a real art deco feel to me.
The checkered one has a very traditional feel.
The orange and teal one just makes me happy.
Seeing it on my denim jacket makes me almost not want to part with it!

This pink and black one seems to be the favorite. I showed all the completed pins to three people on seperate occassions and that was the one they seemed to like the best, go figure. I also had a lot of fun with the photo shoot. I took the pins outside and tried to put them in the most natural setting. After all, they are flowers!
(sorry for the wierd break in the text. Just can't seem to figure that out yet!)
they are all lovely! get them up on etsy! I NEED 1!